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Herr's Indexing Service






McDaniel. Architects of Buddhist Leisure: Socially Disengaged Buddhism in Asia's Museums, Monuments, and Amusement Parks

"Wow! That was fast! Thanks so much. It looks great. I will send it to the publisher today and get back to you soon. Please send me your invoice so I can pay you. You are really impressive, esp. for book that uses 7 different languages and dozens of foreign place and personal names. I will highly recommend you to others!" Justin M

Murphy. Deregulating Desire: Flight Attendant Activism, Family Politics,and WorkplaceJustice

"...thanks for all your work. I will absolutely pass your name along to other scholars who are working on books, and re-confirm with [the publisher] that you did great work at a reasonable price. Thanks again." Ryan M

Berk. Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 8/e

"Please convey my compliments and sincere appreciation to Linda Hallinger. This is an outstanding Subject Index. It will make an enormous difference to [the publisher's] sales force in selling the title (if a prospective adopter wants to know if and how a topic is represented in the book, the index will be highly informative), and it will make a world of difference to the professors and students using the title.

Furthermore, an index of this high quality reveals a depth of understanding of the book and its subject matter that is rare.

In sum, I am very aware how much this index contributes--and also the effort it took to create. It reveals to me Linda's high standards and level of commitment to students who will learn about child development through this text.

Thanks for sending me a Subject Index that was such a pleasure to review.” Laura B

Jolicoeur. The New Cider Maker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for Craft Producers

"Just a short word about the index of the book... When you first told me, Hillary, that the book was being indexed, and that 2 weeks were scheduled for this, I must admit I was quite puzzled. I thought indexing was merely a question of providing a list of words, crunch this in a computer program with the PDF file of the book, to end-up with the index - the work of a few days maximum.

When I got the final PDF file, I noticed the index was there, but didn't look at it with attention. Now I have, and must say I was quite amazed by the quality of this index, the amount of details, and the pertinence of the entries. This will certainly add a lot to the usability of the book. An expert in cider making wouldn't have done better.

I wanted to know who did that, and with a Google search, I easily found Herr's Indexing, so Linda, congratulations and thanks for a great job!" Claude J

Bolus. Steves' Review of Nuclear Medicine Technology: Preparation for Certification Examinations, 4/e

"Many thanks for your help. The index really looks great, and I think it adds a lot of value to the book." Jane H

Lang. Clinical Preventive Medicine, 2/e

"Thank you so much for creating the index for our important book. Please enjoy a copy of it, with our appreciation." Pat L

Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing, 4/e

"Thank you. You are worth your weight in gold. Unless you are very skinny, then you are worth MY weight in gold." Claudia C

Devita. Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 6/e

"At the start of the project for the oncology book, the editors said they thought Devita had a great index and could I do one like that. I said I could probably do better, and find out who had done Devita and hire that person." Peggy G

Handin. Blood: Principles and Practice of Hematology, 2/e

"I just wanted to let you know that the book editors have reviewed the Handin index and are very pleased with it. They don't have one single edit, which reflects very well on your indexing skills as they have been very picky throughoutthis project. Again, thanks so much for all your help and hard work." Lucinda E., Production Editor

American Heart Association. Heartsaver First Aid

"What a wonderful surprise to receive the Heartsaver First Aid indexes from you this morning! Two days early! Thank you! I appreciate your accommodating us with such a quick turnaround." Gabrielle H., Managing Editor

Kaye. Love'Em or Lose'Em: Getting Good People to Stay

"Thank you so much for your great work for us this year and your flexibility for handling projects and making our schedules. Very much appreciated." Michael B